Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
New Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Dissemination



D. Roy is member of the Class'code team (Inria is member of the consortium of this project) Class'code is a blended formation for teachers and animators who aim to initate young people to computer science and robotics. D. Roy has in charge the robotics module of the project.

D. Roy is adviser of the organization of computer science exhibition in "Palais de la découverte" which will begin on 2018 March. He helps for robotics part.

D. Roy is member of the team "Education en Scène" which organize educational activities with robotics in Bordeaux Digital City.

D. Roy is member of the scientific committee of "Didapro Didastic" Conference which will be held in Lausanne (Switzer on 2018 February.

D. Roy is member of the Robocup Junior French committee, an international robotics challenge

D. Roy is member of the scientific committee of "Ludovia CH" Conference which will be held in Yverdon (Switzerland) on 2018 March.

D. Roy is project leader of Thymio Simulator for Classcode project. Specifications and coordination of work.

D. Roy is project leader of Thymio Scratch and Thymio Snap! development, with D. Sherman. Inria, EPFL and Mobsya collaboration.

PY. Oudeyer continued to be the PI of the Poppy Education project.

Online content

Teaching and Education

Poppy Education

Talks and Hands-on

Poppy Education

Members of the Flowers team participated to many interviews and documentaries for the press, the radio and television.

Popularizing inside Inria

Creation of Material for Popularization

As part of the Poppy Education project, thanks the robotic platform Poppy we created pedagogical kits open-source and low cost for teaching computer science and robotics. It is designed to help young people to take ownership with concepts and technologies of the digital world.

The Pedagogical kits includes robots and pedagogical resources. They have been co-created directly with users (mainly high schools teachers) and evaluated in real life by experiments in classrooms [81].

The activities were designed with the visual programming language Snap! (Scratch like) and Python, but some are in Java / Processing (thanks the robot API you can use the language of your choice).

Most activities are using the robot Poppy Ergo Jr, but some use Poppy Torso (mostly in higher school because of its cost) and Poppy Humanoid (in kinder-garden for dance projects) :

We continued to improve the robots functionalities and you can see below the resources we created :

Innovation and transfer